Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Waaa Laaa...Pizza!

There is a total of 4 people in our entire building right, Roy the Engineer, Toni Ryan & Matt Sneed...Newman & Dave are out in the parking lot cleaning off their cars to go get some sleep...we've been here for awhile because of the storm...and we'll all be back tomorrow, bright & early. At the end of the show, Toni came on to chat with us for a few minutes before her show started, and I wondered, out loud, if there was any pizza delivery today. Toni said, half-joking, "We love pizza," over & over again...and sure enough, about a half-hour later, Waaa lot of it! Thank you soooo much AlJons of Princeton Jct! Every kind too...plain, pepperoni, sausage, everything, mushroom, name it, we have it!

Got me to thinking...if you could shout out "I Love.......whatever....and, Waa Laa, you got a ton of it, what would it be????? This could be fun!

Enjoy your snow day!
