Monday, September 20, 2010

Could you do it?

We chatted this morning about a college in PA that did an interesting experiment last week: Could you survive without a week of Facebook, Twitter, etc? They tried it! Of course you could, but do you want to? Staff & students couldn't aceess any social media. Stop texting, and other web surfing was still allowed! LOL! Surprisingly, a lot of students said they felt "free" and could concentrate on other things, because they felt socially obligated to check their facebook! You know how I was...stayed away from facebook for a long time, and finally gave in a few months ago...friend me :)...and now I'm totally addicted! Throughout my day, I think about when I'll be able to check it, or what I'm going to post, or what my friends are up to! My brother-in-law lives in Hawaii, and I love chatting with's just an easy way, most of the time for a busy, working mom to keep up with friends with the few seconds of free time that I have! You moms's very hard to chat on the phone with little kids, because they immediately want your attention the minute you start talking! So, I'm all for facebook!

What about you? Could you live without it for a week? How would anyone know what you're having for dinner, or what u did yesterday? ;)


  1. I was super into MySpace when it was popular, from like 2006-2008, then switched over to Facebook because it didn't have as much of a stigma as MySpace, but didn't go on there much. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I went on a lot to post pictures and look at friends' pictures (especially those who had babies/kids), but now that my daughter is 14 months old-and I am a full time working mom-I barely ever go on. I actually thought about deleting my profile, but I still like to post and look at pictures when I have a chance, except that's only when my daughter is sleeping and I don't have anything else to do, which you know is very rare! :) I actually don't even go online after work because I don't want to take time away from my daughter or fiance or doing something productive (dishes, laundry, etc.).

    I do like the fact that Facebook helps you stay in touch with people, but the people I actually do keep in touch with on a regular basis, I e-mail. And it's neat to get in touch with old friends, but to what end? I just got a friend request from a guy I casually dated over 6 years ago, and I don't think my fiance would want me to be friends with him. I also got a friend request a few months ago from my best friend when I was little, and we exchanged numbers and she called me but I was busy with-you guessed it-my daughter. When I called her back, she wasn't there, and that was it! No more calls! So much for that rekindled friendship, lol.

    I'm sure it's worked out really well for other people and that's why they enjoy it (and Twitter and whatever else) so much. But I would definitely be okay with not having access to a social networking site :)

  2. No.

    When I heard you guys talk about this yesterday, I tried, and it lasted like five minutes. Today, I tried again. Well actually, I didn't even bother.
