Monday, October 4, 2010

Know anyone famous?

We talked about the new Miss New Jersey this morning...she goes to The College of NJ...local girl! Cool if you go there to say that you went to school with Miss New Jersey! I did too...back when I was at Rider, one of the girls I was friendly with was also a Miss New Jersey! Jon Stewart went to my high school too...Lawrence High School. I didn't know him though...he was MUCH older than me! LOL!

Do you know anyone famous or did you go to school with anyone famous?


  1. I went to the same high school as Newman from Chris & The Crew. But he graduated before me, so we didn't actually go to school together. Hmm, not as exciting as I thought that might sound.

  2. I was a year ahead of Asher Roth at Pennsbury High School.

  3. I know and have known Gayle & Christie from the show for quite some time now. I'm 21 now and I first met them when I was six and Christie was in High School.

  4. I went to the same school as this cool girl named Chris Rollins. Even thou i was young in the school when she was there, it was still cool!!!! :o) haha
