Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dolly, where are you?

Does your child have a doll or stuffed animal that they are super-attached to? Both my kids have them...Brady has a stuffed dog that he calls "Bear" or "Ralphie" depending on the day, and Bailey has a stuffed doll that she calls "Dolly." Well, Dolly has been missing for 2 days now, and I'm freaking out! I know it's in the house someone, that's a fact, but, we can't find it anywhere! We tore the house apart yesterday, and no Dolly! Ugh! I've gotta find it! She does have a backup that's working fine, but I feel like I need to find Dolly. I'm probably missing her more than Bailey is! We even looked through the trash incase she threw her in there, for whatever reason, and she wasn't there! The problem is, with an almost 2-yr-old, is that she certainly doesn't keep track of her stuff, she just drops & goes! I have looked in every nook & cranny of our house, except obviously where Dolly's hiding, and nothing! I know my friends who have lost something have pryaed to some saint, right? What saint is it and what's the prayer? Can u tell how desperate I'm getting? LOL! If you're a parent you can probably relate! Has this ever happened to you?


  1. Saint Anthony is who you are referring too.

  2. Saint Anthony is the saint. The prayer I say is "Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony please come around. Something's lost and needs to be found." It usually works although he never found the diamond that I lost from my engagement ring 3 years ago. But I guess it worked out better for me because I now have a bigger diamond in my engagement ring. Good luck finding Dolly!

  3. I feel like a heathen... St Anthony
    Dear St Anthony, please come around. Something is lost and cannot be found. Good luck finding Dolly. :)

  4. The Saint is St. Anthony. I prayed to him when my husband could not find his wedding ring for three days. We looked everywhere and I prayed to St. Anthony and ten minutes later my husband found it in the hamper.

  5. Been there done that with both of my children LOL Fortunately the stuffed animal turned up in both cases. Sorry to hear you are going through it. Good Luck
