Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We got our Xmas tree yesterday!

Yup...even put it up last night! LOL! Let me explain. For years now John & I have been in a debate about what to get real vs. fake. I'm for real...going out to the woods to cut it down, the smell...we always had a real one growing up. John had fake ones growing up so he prefers them plus, he swears we're all allergic to the real ones. We do always end up with respiratory problems around Xmas...I just always thought it was coincidental! I have told him that I'm ok with trying out a fake one as long as it looks real. Well, so far, we haven't found one, until this year. Last Sunday we took the kids pumpkin picking and to get mums for the house, etc & the place where we went had a little shop with decorations, etc and they had a bunch of Xmas trees. We looked and much to my surprise we found one that absolutely looks real! Although, I still had to think about it...this was a big step for me! Everyday since Sunday John's asked me if he could go buy the tree before they were gone...yesterday I finally agreed. He was so excited. I figured if we finally found one that I actually could live with and we waited too long to get it and then they were out, I'd be disappointed. It has a 7 day return policy incase it was too big or any of the lights were out, so he set it up last night, and I have to admit it was nice! Bailey was clapping when he lit it, and poor Brady was soooo disappointed when we told him we couldn't put the ornaments on yet! I guess we should have waited until after they went to bed to test it out! LOL! Bring on the holidays!


  1. I have to give you credit...I don't think I could do it..but it does seem so much easier! Maybe you can still go cut one own and put it on the porch or deck..We go to Chesterfield Farms and its so nice!!! enjoy your fakey!!! shannon moscarello

  2. Buy a "Christmas wreath" scented Yankee candle. It smells just like a real Christmas tree. This will make up for the "real" tree smell you want
