Monday, October 18, 2010

What is it about Chicken Noodle Soup?

I've had this lingering, annoying cold for the last week or so...can't get rid of the congestion! Funny, how you really want soup when you're sick! I've been absolutely craving Chicken Noodle soup since getting sick. Just typing about it makes me want to go home and eat some! But, when I'm not sick, I don't even think about it! Why? It's just a coincidence, isn't it or do we just want it because everyone tells you to eat it when you're sick? Weird! Is there some medical reason why we crave soup when we're sick? By the way, I hate all soup except Chicken Noodle...I actually really don't like any other hot liquid except Chicken Noodle soup...well maybe hot chocolate every now & then! ;)

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