Friday, October 15, 2010

Wrong number...again!

I am not the Athletic Club!!! Got a call on my cell yesterday from some pest control company that has called me at least 5 times over the last few weeks to schedule my next treatment or whatever they do! The 1st time I ignored it, thinking it would work itself out. Nope...a few calls later, I called them back and told them they were calling the wrong number. Problem solved, right? Wrong! They called back with an appointment reminder this time...apparently, one had been scheduled. So why not call back the number on which the appointment was made? Honestly, it wasn't a big deal at first, it took me 2 seconds to call and tell them they had the wrong number, but now, even after that, I'm still getting calls...and it's annoyance to keep having to call them back! One call I actually caught and spoke to a woman who said she was on her way for the scheduled appointment. I told her that they may not know she's coming, 'cause you're not calling them. Finally, they had to have gotten it! Yesterday I got another call! Spoke with someone new yesterday...told him that I am not the Athletic Club, and he politely said he'd take my number off the account...and thanked me for my patience. Hmmm...we'll see if that did the trick!

My next door neighbors are one digit off the number for the cable company, and get constant calls for cable service...that's gotta get old! I think I'd change my number!

Has this ever happened to you?


  1. I get a call for a guy name Mark. I have told the people for the past 4 years that it is not Mark. Now I don't even answer that number but they still leave a message after my message saying Hey it's MICHELLE, I'm not here leave a message.

  2. When I was a kid, I'd get calls for "Bob" fairly frequently. "Sorry, wrong number" never did the trick.

    This did:
    Me: "Bob? Bob moved to California. He didn't give you his new number?"

    Caller, dejectedly: "Really? Oh, man, no..."

  3. so when i called you to schedule that massage, i guess that means i'm not really getting that massage, huh? dang it!!
