Monday, February 28, 2011

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

A few days ago, my 5-year-old & I were watching the brand new episode of Imagination Movers on the Disney Channel (exciting stuff in our house!), and I was going crazy trying to figure out where I had seen "Goldilocks" before...the episode was titled, "Goldilocks & the Four Movers." Finally got it...she's playing the crazy cousin on 90210 right now! That's certainly a different part from the Disney show! LOL! This has happened to me before too! It took me awhile to figure out that Chris Harrison, host of The Bachelor, also hosted a show called Designer's Challenge on HGTV. I'm sure you know that the host of The Biggest Loser, Allison Sweeney is also Sami on Days of Our Lives. A lot of 2nd jobs in Tinsletown!

Did you ever do that? You see someone on a show and wonder, "Where have I seen them before?"

1 comment:

  1. I'm always thinking that and it always bothers me!! That's why IMDB is my best friend!! haha
