Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Is that the phone?"

Did you ever think you heard something, but you really didn't? Like hearing an ambulance siren on the radio, and you start to pull over to the side of the road because you think one is behind you or do you think you hear your cell vibrating, and it's totally not? LOL! Yesterday while I taking a shower, I heard the house phone ring...because I was in the shower, I just let it go. Then, it rang again, almost right after it had stopped...I still let it go. On the third time it rang...again, almost immediately after it had stopped the second time, I started to think something was wrong and someone was trying to get in touch with me, so I hopped out of the shower to answer it! Dripping wet, I ran to our bedroom to grab the phone. It wasn't ringing, and after looking at the caller id, I noticed there hadn't been a call for about 2 hours! What??? I just heard it ringing! I thought to myself that I must have been more tired than I thought, if I was hearing a phone ringing. I jumped back in the shower and it started to ring again!! Am I crazy? LOL! All of sudden I realized that it was one of Bailey's play phones for the bath. When you get it wet, it rings. It was in a bath toy bag that hangs in the shower. So, the water was splashing on it. Geez...I was thinking I was cracking up!!! ;) Funny, it sounds exactly like our house phone! Weird!

1 comment:

  1. Chris, we had something similar happen one night when our girls were little. In the middle of the night we were wakened up by this horrible "squawking" sound. We thought someone was in the house and were terrified! I made my husband get up to check it out while I layed shaking in bed. He came back was our daughter's plastic floating duck bath toy that just randomly starting quacking!! I'll never forget it! :-)
